Relative Adoptions

At Thompson Family Firm, we get involved in numerous stepparent adoptions every year. This firm takes joy in giving children stability in a loving home with parents who are committed to providing them a positive future.


Stepparent adoptions tend to be simple. We can help fill out forms indicating that the biological parent’s parenting rights are now terminated and that the stepparent — or grandparent or aunt or uncle — is committed to full legal responsibility for the child.


It’s a simple process that will make a profound difference in several people’s lives.

Adult Stepparent Adoptions


There are other kinds of adoptions as well. It is not uncommon for a stepparent to adopt an adult child from a spouse’s previous marriage. Sometimes families do this because they have lived together as a family for years and it just seems right.

Grandparent Adoptions and Third-Party Adoptions


Our lawyers do adoptions by grandparents, often when the biological parent dies or goes away or gets into trouble with substance abuse or is in prison. For a child distressed by the problems of a mother or father, adoption by a loving grandparent gives them strength and encouragement. It’s not always a grandparent, either. Sometimes the adoption is by the biological parent’s brother or sister. Whoever steps forward, the adoption amounts to an act of rescue.